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girl is not at home


*@param days heart


*My girl goes her mother’s home tonight,

*I see her take the train.   :{

*A week free day is coming, haha

*these days belong to myself.



*Does happy day is coming?


*Go back home, Lonely emerged …


Hashtable happy_day = new Hashtable();

happy_day .put(“sat”, new String(“overtime”));

happy_day .put(“sun”, new String(“rest”));

happy_day .put(“mon”, new String(“working”));

happy_day .put(“Tues”, new String(“hoping”));

happy_day .put(“Wed”, new String(“waiting”));

happy_day .put(“Thurs”,new String(“She’s coming!”));

for(int i=0;i<happy_day.size();i++)





本文固定链接: https://www.2hei.net/2007/06/16/girl-is-not-at-home/ | 2hei.net

该日志由 u2 于2007年06月16日发表在 others 分类下,
原创文章转载请注明: girl is not at home | 2hei.net
