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  • pdf and postscript

    when you want to covert postscript’s file to pdf fileyou can use ghostscript and gsview . ghostscript’s install.next is gs copy the system’s font to itself  . I fond this in cidfmap …%!% cidfmap generated automatically by mkcidfm.ps from fonts found in%   ...

    作者:u2 | 分类:OpenSource
  • Java Support on Pocket PC

    Name & Version NSIcom CrEme 3.2.2 SavaJe OS 2.0 Sun Personal Java Blackdown J2RE (ARM port) Esemertec Jeode IBM WebSphere Studio Supported OS CE.net, PocketPC/2002 – WinCE 2.11 Familiar Linux WinCE 2.11, PocketPC,Linux WinCE 2.11, PocketPC JVM C ...

    作者:u2 | 分类:java, OpenSource
    Java Support on Pocket PC已关闭评论
  • Webalizer Install and configuration

    Webalizer is a web access log analyzer toolsapache tomcat resin’s logs are OK!Next is my Install & configuration on Webalizer. 1、related things apache http://www.apache.org/gd        http://www.boutell.com/gd/ make sure you have these package jpeg&nb ...

    作者:u2 | 分类:OpenSource
    Webalizer Install and configuration已关闭评论
  • 一个启用共享的bat文件

    下面是一个从ghost的xp-sp2的系统里面发现的,把启动网络共享的dos命令写成了简单易用的bat文件, 虽然真正起作用的只是几句话,但是看着这个bat文件还是倍感亲切,拿出来与大家共享。 (其中有个reg文件 名字为:开通局域网共享(访问本机要填用户名和密码).reg) This file can be saved as a bat file named “net ...

    作者:u2 | 分类:OpenSource | 标签:
  • set resin-status in resin’s config

    resin3.1.3,follow the setting from the internet, add this line in web.xml       <servlet-mapping servlet-class=’com.caucho.servlets.ResinStatusServlet’>        <url-pattern>/resin-status</url-pattern>  ...

    作者:u2 | 分类:resin | 标签:,
    set resin-status in resin’s config已关闭评论