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  • pexpect Timeout exceeded in read_nonblocking()

    gg resolve from bbs:vi /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pxssh.py#add line 134,135:    123     def synch_original_prompt (self):    124     125         “””This attempts to fi ...

    作者:u2 | 分类:python
    pexpect Timeout exceeded in read_nonblocking()已关闭评论
  • Linux Keyboard shortcut keys

    CTRL + C    Cancels the currently running command.CTRL + D    Logs out of the current session.CTRL + Z    Cancels current operation, moves back a directory or takes the current operation and moves it to the background. CTRL + A    Move ...

    作者:u2 | 分类:linux | 标签:
    Linux Keyboard shortcut keys已关闭评论