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Deployment Directories When deploying, it’s a good idea to create a bit of structure to make Resin and website upgrades easier and more maintainable.

1、Create a user to run Resin (e.g. resin or another non-root user)

2、Link /usr/local/share/resin to the current Resin version. This is $RESIN_HOME.

3、Create a deployment root, e.g. /var/www, owned by the resin user. This is $RESIN_ROOT.

4、Put the modified resin.conf in /etc/resin/resin.conf

5、Put the site documents in /var/www/webapps/ROOT.

6、Put any .war files in /var/www/webapps.

7、Put any virtual hosts in /var/www/hosts/www.foo.com.

8、Output logs will appear in /var/www/log.

9、Create a startup script and configure the server to start it when the machine reboots.

10、start/stop and the watchdog process

unix> java -jar /usr/local/share/resin/lib/resin.jar \

         -conf /etc/resin/resin.conf \


Configure the location of Java in JAVA_HOME

Configure the location of Resin in RESIN_HOME

Configure your web site directory in RESIN_ROOT

Select a server and pid file if you have multiple Resin servers. Start and stop the Resin daemon.


本文固定链接: https://www.2hei.net/2007/11/18/resin_tart_in_linux/ | 2hei.net

该日志由 u2 于2007年11月18日发表在 OpenSource, resin 分类下,
原创文章转载请注明: 部署resin3的一些注意事项 | 2hei.net
