download from ftp://ftp.joedog.org/pub/siege
./configure –prefix=/home/siege && make && make install
[root@ bin]# ./siege
SIEGE 2.67
Usage: siege [options]
siege [options] URL
siege -g URL
-V, –version VERSION, prints version number to screen.
-h, –help HELP, prints this section.
-C, –config CONFIGURATION, show the current configuration.
-v, –verbose VERBOSE, prints notification to screen.
-g, –get GET, pull down headers from the server and display HTTP
transaction. Great for web application debugging.
-c, –concurrent=NUM CONCURRENT users, default is 10
-u, –url=”URL” Deprecated. Set URL as the last argument.
-i, –internet INTERNET user simulation, hits the URLs randomly.
-b, –benchmark BENCHMARK, signifies no delay for time testing.
-t, –time=NUMm TIME based testing where “m” is the modifier S, M, or H
no space between NUM and “m”, ex: –time=1H, one hour test.
-r, –reps=NUM REPS, number of times to run the test, default is 25
-f, –file=FILE FILE, change the configuration file to file.
-R, –rc=FILE RC, change the siegerc file to file. Overrides
the SIEGERC environmental variable.
-l, –log LOG, logs the transaction to PREFIX/var/siege.log
-m, –mark=”text” MARK, mark the log file with a string separator.
-d, –delay=NUM Time DELAY, random delay between 1 and num designed
to simulate human activity. Default value is 3
-H, –header=”text” Add a header to request (can be many)
-A, –user-agent=”text” Sets User-Agent in request
siege 的使用方法
$ ./siege -u www.google.com -d1 -r10 -c25
-u has been deprecated.
./siege -c 20 -r 30 -f url.txt
vi url.txt
** SIEGE 2.67
** Preparing 20 concurrent users for battle.
The server is now under siege…
HTTP/1.1 200 0.17 secs: 6385 bytes ==> /
HTTP/1.1 200 0.17 secs: 6385 bytes ==> /
HTTP/1.1 200 0.17 secs: 6385 bytes ==> /
HTTP/1.1 200 0.17 secs: 6385 bytes ==> /
HTTP/1.1 200 0.17 secs: 6375 bytes ==> /
HTTP/1.1 200 0.17 secs: 6375 bytes ==> /
HTTP/1.1 200 0.18 secs: 6385 bytes ==> /
HTTP/1.1 200 0.18 secs: 6375 bytes ==> /
HTTP/1.1 200 0.33 secs: 6385 bytes ==> /
Transactions: 600 hits
Availability: 100.00 %
Elapsed time: 24.53 secs
Data transferred: 3.66 MB
Response time: 0.18 secs
Transaction rate: 24.46 trans/sec
Throughput: 0.15 MB/sec
Concurrency: 4.46
Successful transactions: 600
Failed transactions: 0
Longest transaction: 3.40
Shortest transaction: 0.17
FILE: /home/siege/var/siege.log
You can disable this annoying message by editing
the .siegerc file in your home directory; change
the directive ‘show-logfile’ to false.
本文固定链接: https://www.2hei.net/2008/07/11/siege_http_press_test/ | 2hei.net