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  • apache mod_python psp



    作者:u2 | 分类:python | 标签:
    apache mod_python psp已关闭评论
  • Mozilla making progress with Firefox’s long journey to multiprocess

    Multiple Firefox processes. Gill Penney Internet Explorer and Chrome both use a multiprocess architecture to enhance stability and security. They separate the task of parsing and rendering Web pages from the job of drawing the browser on-screen, saving downloaded files, creating network c ...

    作者:u2 | 分类:OpenSource
    Mozilla making progress with Firefox’s long journey to multiprocess已关闭评论
  • All of Wikipedia can be installed to your desktop in just 30 hours

    An open source application automates the process of downloading and displaying all of Wikipedia on your desktop, a large task that takes more than a day to complete. Dubbed Xowa, the software displays an offline copy of 4.4 million Wikipedia articles with full HTML formatting intact. You can ev ...

    作者:u2 | 分类:OpenSource
    All of Wikipedia can be installed to your desktop in just 30 hours已关闭评论