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  • Cisco releases free and libre H.264 code for browsers

    Video codecs continue to be a problem for the Web standards community. The H.264 standard continues to be the dominant option for streaming video, both via Flash and using HTML5's <video> tag, but it has outstanding patent issues that make free and open source implementations problema ...

    作者:u2 | 分类:OpenSource
    Cisco releases free and libre H.264 code for browsers已关闭评论
  • Seagate introduces a new drive interface: Ethernet

    It’s not time to say goodbye to the old storage network quite yet, but a new combination of cloud, networking, and storage technology might mark the beginning of the end for SANs—Seagate has introduced a new storage architecture that puts Ethernet directly on the disk drive. Called the Kinetic ...

    作者:u2 | 分类:OpenSource
    Seagate introduces a new drive interface: Ethernet已关闭评论
  • Google’s iron grip on Android: Controlling open source by any means necessary

    Aurich Lawson Six years ago, in November 2007, the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) was announced. The original iPhone came out just a few months earlier, capturing people’s imaginations and ushering in the modern smartphone era. While Google was an app partner for the original iP ...

    作者:u2 | 分类:OpenSource
    Google’s iron grip on Android: Controlling open source by any means necessary已关闭评论
  • The Navy’s newest warship is powered by Linux

    The USS Zumwalt getting a coat of paint at Bath Iron Works. The ship is exotic in many ways, but it runs on off-the-shelf computing technology. General Dynamics Bath Iron Works When the USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000) puts to sea later this year, it will be different from any other ship in the Nav ...

    作者:u2 | 分类:OpenSource
    The Navy’s newest warship is powered by Linux已关闭评论
  • Ubuntu 13.10 review: The Linux OS of the future remains a year away

    After the customary six months of incubation, Ubuntu 13.10—codenamed Saucy Salamander—has hatched. The new version of the popular Linux distribution brings updated applications and several new features, including augmented search capabilities in the Unity desktop shell. Although Saucy Salamande ...

    作者:u2 | 分类:OpenSource
    Ubuntu 13.10 review: The Linux OS of the future remains a year away已关闭评论
  • Upgrade your PCs, servers, and phones: Ubuntu 13.10 lands tomorrow

    Ubuntu is ready to be installed on phones. Andrew Cunningham The newest version of Ubuntu is a big one, but not for the usual reasons. With Ubuntu 13.10 (aka Saucy Salamander) coming out tomorrow, the desktop and server editions will get some upgrades as always. But the biggest change is ...

    作者:u2 | 分类:OpenSource
    Upgrade your PCs, servers, and phones: Ubuntu 13.10 lands tomorrow已关闭评论
  • Arduino creator explains why open source matters in hardware, too

    The Arduino Tre. Arduino Most of the technology world is familiar with open source software and the reasons why, in some eyes, it’s more appealing than proprietary software. When software’s source code is available for anyone to inspect, it can be examined for security flaws, ...

    作者:u2 | 分类:OpenSource
    Arduino creator explains why open source matters in hardware, too已关闭评论
  • Node.js-based Ghost blogging platform opens to the public

    Last month we covered the soft launch of Ghost, a Node.js-based minimalist blogging platform. The application blew through a Kickstarter goal and has been under heavy development; last month, Kickstarter backers were granted early access to the application to get started with it (my own ...

    作者:u2 | 分类:OpenSource
    Node.js-based Ghost blogging platform opens to the public已关闭评论